Maintaining Your Birthright

Preacher: DR. Daniel Gameti

Philippians 1:6

A word of God can transform your life. Birth right can be defined as right to possession or a privilege a person have by birth. Birthright is not by birth alone but also by election. Excuse my words orphans also birthright. This is not despise them in anyway. The definition i love is Birthright is an inheritance by birthright thus a position by virtue of birth.

(Romans 5:17, Acts 26:18) Fact that you’re a Christian means you have a birthright.

How then can it manifest?

  1. Honor – Adam had the honor in the garden that was before the fall of man. You must not be an ordinary student or person.
  2. Favor – Favor will enable to have access to things you have no idea of. Brethren you’ve an inheritance
  3. Access to opportunities – (Ephesians 1) Spiritual blessing already exist, and you need to activate it (John 1:12)

If you receive Him and becomes His child then you legitimately become entitled to a birthright. It is possible to lose your birthright.

How can you lose your birthright?

  1. Ignorance (Hosea 4:6)

The bible says lack of knowledge my people perish. If you don’t search the scriptures you will not find your inheritance or birthright.

  1. Carelessness (Genesis 25:31-34)

Esau sold his birthright for an exchange of food. No matter the situation you find yourself don’t lose your birthright.

For instance two minutes kiss will make you lose it, Sampson placing his head on the laps of Delilah lost his inheritance.

  1. Sin

Ruben slept with father’s concubine and he lost his birthright but here is Joseph who had the opportunity to sleep with his master’s wife, he refused temporarily was falsely accused yet his end was glorious.

  1. Activities of Satan and his agents

When Jesus was born they knew his destiny, so they wanted to destroy it because he had a birthright. The people who will reject you today will come for you tomorrow if you maintain your birthright.

How do you maintain your Birthright?

  1. Receive Jesus as your personal savior
  2. You must be holy
  3. Know the word of God
  4. Cry for mercy
  5. Prayer

Luke 2:24, 44

By prayer Jesus took back His inheritance, Jabesh lost his inheritance through his mother pronouncement but he went before God and got it back.