God’s love can never be fully understood, but impossible to visualize! It is best seen at the cross!
Mathew 23:6 they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; 7 they love to be greeted in the marketplaces and to have men call them ‘Rabbi.’ 8 “But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have only one Master and you are all brothers.
He Stood In The Gap – 2 Cor. 5:21- For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God.


He Saved Us From Hell – It is His death on the cross, the death that released His precious blood, that opened the door of salvation for every sinner who will come to God. 1 Pet. 1:18-19;

Eph. 1:7- In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace!; Col. 1:14- in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.;




Preacher: Dr. Daniel Gameti

Grace is more essential than money, property acquired and position. If it was not important Joseph’s master would not have given such title to Joseph who wasn’t a citizen.

(1 Corinthians 15:1)

I am what I am by the grace of God”. Paul did not meet Jesus physically but he wrote two thirds of the New Testament.”

How do you know you’re enjoying the grace?

  1. You will be singled out. Noah was singled out all by the grace of God.
  2. You will enjoy serendipity thus something that happens unexpectedly.
  3. God will surprise you. You’ll be asking “what did I do?”, ” what did I invest?”, “where did I go ?” The answer is just simple, the grace of God upon your life.
  4. It will attract the good things of God. The psalmist says in (Psalm 84:11b) “No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.”
  5. Grace will establish you. (1 Peter 5:10) “But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you”. Whatever you desire it will be granted to you just desire the grace.


How then will you attract the grace of God?

  1. In the book of (Ephesians 2:8) “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God” You must be saved and once you do that God will single you out.
  2. Faith – Believe you are entitled to grace. ( Psalms 82:6, Ephesians 2:6).
  3. Righteousness – (Genesis 6:8-9) “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD”. And because of this grace God singled his family. If you walk uprightly with God, you will also be singled out.
  4. Humility – (James 4:6) “But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” There are kings under the sun who walk on foot but there are servants who ride on horses like Kings.
  5. Be Diligent – Be hardworking. For being a Christian is not a guarantee for laziness (1 Corinthians 15:10).
  6. Prayer – Hebrews 4:16 “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need”.

Maintaining Your Birthright

Preacher: DR. Daniel Gameti

Philippians 1:6

A word of God can transform your life. Birth right can be defined as right to possession or a privilege a person have by birth. Birthright is not by birth alone but also by election. Excuse my words orphans also birthright. This is not despise them in anyway. The definition i love is Birthright is an inheritance by birthright thus a position by virtue of birth.

Romans 5:17

Through one man’s sin we were destroyed and through another man (savior) we were saved by grace. Believers have to reign on earth.

Acts 26:18

Commission God gave to Saul on his way to Damascus to preach the word and through it their sins will be forgiven and would hence

The fact that you’re a Christian means you have a birthright.

How then can it manifest?

  1. Honor: Adam had the honor in the garden that was before the fall of man. You must not be an ordinary student or person.
  2. Favor: Favor will enable to have access to things you have no idea of. Brethren you’ve an inheritance
  3. Access to opportunities

Ephesians 1

Spiritual blessing already exist, and you need to activate it

John 1:12

If you receive Him and becomes His child then you legitimately become entitled to a birthright.

It is possible to lose your birthright

How can you lose your birthright?

  1. Ignorance (Hosea 4:6)

The bible says lack of knowledge my people perish. If you don’t search the scriptures you will not find your inheritance or birthright.

  1. Carelessness

Genesis 25:31-34

Esau sold his birthright for an exchange of food. No matter the situation you find yourself don’t lose your birthright.

For instance two minutes kiss will make you lose it, Sampson placing his head on the laps of Delilah lost his birthright.

  1. Sin

Ruben slept with father’s concubine and he lost his birthright but here is Joseph who had the opportunity to sleep with his master’s wife, he refused temporarily was falsely accused yet his end was glorious.

  1. Activities of Satan and his agents

When Jesus was born they knew his destiny, so they wanted to destroy it because he had a birthright.

The people who will reject you today will come for you tomorrow if you maintain your birthright.

How do you maintain your Birthright?

  1. Receive Jesus as your personal savior
  2. You must be holy
  3. Know the word of God

Joseph knew the word of God he said I cannot do this against my God, Daniel 9:1, 2 by the books he said he understood.

When Israel went into Egypt they were to stay there for our hundred years, Moses did not know the word so they stayed in for more than 400 years. According to Jeremiah they were to go into exile for Seventy years but Daniel knew by the books, so he took them out before the seventy years.

  1. Cry for mercy
  2. Prayer

Luke 2:24, 44

By prayer Jesus took back His inheritance, Jabesh lost his inheritance through his mother pronouncement but he went before God and got it back.

Maintaining Your Birthright

Preacher: DR. Daniel Gameti

Philippians 1:6

A word of God can transform your life. Birth right can be defined as right to possession or a privilege a person have by birth. Birthright is not by birth alone but also by election. Excuse my words orphans also birthright. This is not despise them in anyway. The definition i love is Birthright is an inheritance by birthright thus a position by virtue of birth.

(Romans 5:17, Acts 26:18) Fact that you’re a Christian means you have a birthright.

How then can it manifest?

  1. Honor – Adam had the honor in the garden that was before the fall of man. You must not be an ordinary student or person.
  2. Favor – Favor will enable to have access to things you have no idea of. Brethren you’ve an inheritance
  3. Access to opportunities – (Ephesians 1) Spiritual blessing already exist, and you need to activate it (John 1:12)

If you receive Him and becomes His child then you legitimately become entitled to a birthright. It is possible to lose your birthright.

How can you lose your birthright?

  1. Ignorance (Hosea 4:6)

The bible says lack of knowledge my people perish. If you don’t search the scriptures you will not find your inheritance or birthright.

  1. Carelessness (Genesis 25:31-34)

Esau sold his birthright for an exchange of food. No matter the situation you find yourself don’t lose your birthright.

For instance two minutes kiss will make you lose it, Sampson placing his head on the laps of Delilah lost his inheritance.

  1. Sin

Ruben slept with father’s concubine and he lost his birthright but here is Joseph who had the opportunity to sleep with his master’s wife, he refused temporarily was falsely accused yet his end was glorious.

  1. Activities of Satan and his agents

When Jesus was born they knew his destiny, so they wanted to destroy it because he had a birthright. The people who will reject you today will come for you tomorrow if you maintain your birthright.

How do you maintain your Birthright?

  1. Receive Jesus as your personal savior
  2. You must be holy
  3. Know the word of God
  4. Cry for mercy
  5. Prayer

Luke 2:24, 44

By prayer Jesus took back His inheritance, Jabesh lost his inheritance through his mother pronouncement but he went before God and got it back.

Don’t pray when you’re standing on the foundation of sin

Date: 14th October, 2015

Preacher: Rev McCauley

1 Peter 4:11

You must speak like God when the word of God is in you

Revelation 8:1-5

The prayer being offered as we pray goes to God as an incense and as we do that the power of God backs us

The words you speak are like thunder, so as Christians know what you carry. The effect of the words we utter have great effect when used properly.

Psalm 119:63, 74, 79

Genesis 18

When you are a friend of God you have His secret and His power so act like one. A son or daughter who doesn’t know his father is a King or a wealthy man cannot walk in his inheritance but the day awareness embraces him or her, attitude changes he gets what he or she wants.

1 Corinthians 5

Numbers 16

John 5:19

I Samuel 4:1-9

Remember your enemies are afraid of you but they are also the “Never say die” type, they are willing to come the second, third and more

1Samuel 4:7 And the Philistines were afraid, for they said, God has come into the camp, And they said, Woe to us! For there has not been a thing like this before.

8 Woe to us! Who shall deliver us out of the hand of these mighty gods? These are the gods that struck the Egyptians with all the plagues in the wilderness.

9 Be strong and fight like men, O, Philistines, so that you may not be servants to the Hebrews, as they have been to you. Be men and fight!

If you do not fight, and acquit yourselves like men, they will avenge themselves of you for all the cruelty you have exercised towards them.

Your words are powerful as a Christian but you must know where you stand, you can live anyhow.

1 Samuel 2:12

You must know how to fast, pray and intercede for yourself


Text:     Philippians 3:12-21

Preacher: Dr.Charles Amoateng


We learn much more about success — life –from models than we do from manuals. So who is our model? The Lord Jesus Christ is, of course. But next to Him, the most successful Christian who ever lived would have to be Paul. He made his life count.

Paul’s Pattern for Successful Living

  1. EVALUATION: Face my faults.

Paul, at the end of his life, says “I don’t have it all together. I haven’t arrived. I’m not perfect.

I’m still growing.” Successful people never stop growing. Rather than saying “Look how far I’ve come,” I have to say, “Look how far I have to go. Transparency is a mark of emotional maturity. Successful people admit that they have not arrived, that they have a long way to go. The question you ought to ask yourself is, “Where do I need to change?” Take a personal inventory.

  1. ELIMINATION: Forget the former; let go of your past.
  2. 13 “This but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind.”

My past is past. I let go of my guilt, grief, grudges. I let go of the past so I can get on with the present.

Success involves learning to forget. (Isaiah 43:18 )To forget, actually means, don’t let the past affect you anymore. Don’t let it control you or have power over you or manipulate you.

Two things you need to forget if you are going to follow Paul’s pattern:

1) Your failures

2) Your successes.

III. CONCENTRATION: Focus on the future.

Successful people are goal oriented. They focus on the future. Paul has a single priority. The question we ask ourselves is,What am I living for? What is my goal in life? What’s most important? If you don’t know where you’re going, nobody else does. Focus on the future.

  1. DETERMINATION: Fight to the finish. Persistence.

The principle of determination: Absolutely nothing worthwhile in life happens without effort. The great people in life are just ordinary people with extraordinary amount of determination. They don’t know how to quit. They keep on keeping on. They never give up. . How do you keep on keeping on when things get discouraging? Be persistent and be teachable. (Acts 20:24, 2 Timothy 4:7-8)

Two Promises:

Galatians 6:9 ” And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”

Philippians 1:6 ” Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:”